Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Reflections on Chapter 7

Streaming is a method of delivering an audio and video signal to your computer over the Internet, and differs from the normal method of receiving Internet audio and video in one important way instead of having to download a wav, au or other type of file completely before being able to listen to it and see, you hear the sound and see the video as it arrives at your computer, and therefore do not have to wait for a complete download which would be difficult with a live broadcast anyway!As the data arrives it is buffered for a few seconds and then playback begins. As the audio is playing, more data is constantly arriving or streaming, and as long as you are receiving a constant stream of data, you should hear constant audio. Obviously you'll need a soundcard, speakers or headphones and the appropriate software for this all to work. Think of a bucket the buffer with a hole in the bottom, being topped up with water the data. As long as there is water in the bucket, it will continue to pour out of the hole, and will do this as long as there is water in the bucket. Similarly, as long as there is data in the buffer, you will continue to hear sound. Unfortunately the buffer can empty due to congestion on the Internet which may stop you from receiving data this explains the net congestion buffers the message so you may see from time to time with the RealAudio software. Media has been altered by web-casting. Web-casting is used for live events where there can be potentially many viewers. Web-casting delivers one stream to many students simultaneously. It is essential to note that streaming serves require the appropriate hardware, network connections, and basic usage knowledge. The advantages can be seen through the creativity in the classroom, by students being able to visualize or receive auditory instructions. This type of media will help the classroom environment through communication and complex streaming.


Houbin Fang said...

Hello, Leonardo
Here you are talking about streaming audio in your blog. You are right about the definition about streaming audio: “it is a method of delivering an audio and video signal to your computer over the Internet, and differs from the normal method of receiving Internet audio and video in one important way instead of having to download a wav, au or other type of file completely before being able to listen to it and see, you hear the sound and see the video as it arrives at your computer, and therefore do not have to wait for a complete download which would be difficult with a live broadcast anyway!” It is a long sentence, however, the advantage of streaming audio is to save users time and improve the internet-use effectiveness.
Traditional audio or video do not allow users to use them unless users can download them all, which is a suffering of downloading. So in the past, people tried to avoid downloading big file from internet because of time it is time consuming.
With development of technology, the streaming materials appear and this type of media will help not only common people, but also “the classroom environment through communication and complex streaming.”

Breazeale said...

This was a very informative article that you wrote. I am a big fan of streaming video. It has a big advantage over full-length videos because like you said, it only takes a few seconds to load, whereas an entire video might take several minutes. Also, using streaming allows teachers to target the information. Instead of showing a class an entire video on a wide range of topics, educators can pick and choose which clips are more appropriate for each lesson. I liked you analogy of the bucket and the water! That's a great way of explaining the idea of streaming video. Good job!