Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Reflections on Chapter 8

Not all school websites are created equal. Some look nearly primitive while others appear professionally designed. But classroom web sites greatly improve communications with students, parents, and community. Communication is improved in ways that parents can monitor what their children are doing in class. The majority are simple vehicles for communicating the news and happenings of the school or the school district. You might be able to read a digital version of the school's newsletter but, which can help you know what to look towards in the future. There are several reasons for the investment in many school sites. School districts can afford to hire professional web designers or pay a staff member to be the webmaster. These webmasters are sometimes paid, which helps explain why so many school websites are not updated regularly and may appear neatly assembled. This is how a website can improve home-to-school communications.
Well-designed school websites can meet the specific needs of users and be a valuable bridge between home, school, and the community. This is confirmed what I already knew busy parents and students rely on web-based information, so it's only natural they would look to the Internet for news about their school and educational support. I learned that involving all parties in the website development process results in universal use, and support of the website and a school. The process is rewarding for everyone involved. Not only is it a vehicle for teaching the students web skills, but it also helps parents gain involvement with their kid school and value their community.


Houbin Fang said...

Most of schools have their websites nowadays, however, the quality of each website is not the same. “Some look nearly primitive while others appear professionally designed.”
Web site is really helpful of improving communications with students, parents, and community. And teachers can post the answers of some of the assignments for students, so they can assess the website after classes.
The last thing I want to mention is that it is cheap to have a website for any schools. All the schools can afford it. And teachers can use free resources from internet to build a website too.

Breazeale said...

The design of a school's website in my opinion is very important. Like you said, a website can be a gateway between parents and the school, allowing parents to keep up with what is going on at the school. Unfortunately, the parents of my students rarely take advantage of our website. However, in a more traditional school environment, this technology can really help keep parents in touch with their child's progress.